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Affiliate Terms

There are a few rules about our affiliate program you should know about. No “gotchas” here, just some terms to keep everyone happy.

• Affiliate commisions are paid the 15th of the next month considering that they are larger than $50

• Self-referrals are not allowed (i.e. signing up for MagicPattern through your own affiliate link)

• Abuse, gaming, or attempting to mislead (i.e. posting fake discounts to coupon-sharing websites) will result in your account being permanently banned.

• In some cases, we can give credit to an affiliate even if the customer didn’t sign up through an affiliate link or coupon code. If you have a case like this, please contact us and we’ll do our best to help.

• No search engine ads (especially on branded terms or domain names), Facebook ads or other ads that would compete with our own marketing and cause potential confusion for customers.

• No Facebook ads that link to our website or anything similar that would compete with our own paid marketing and drive up our costs and potentially cause confusion.

• No pretending to be acting on behalf of us (ie. as an employee).

• We reserve the right to change the Terms of Service for our affiliate program at any time.

Hi fellow creator!

I'm Jim, the founder, designer & engineer behind the MagicPattern toolbox.

For many years, I was struggling to create engaging visuals for products, branding and interfaces. Their creation required pro design skills or many hours of practice.

That's why I build MagicPattern. My mission is to help people create pro graphics with no effort and no prior design knowledge.

- Jim Raptis
Jim Raptis, MagicPattern Founder & CEO

Create Unlimited Graphics
In Seconds.

The easiest way to brand your business uniquely

MagicPattern Geometric Patterns Editor Preview

©2025 MagicPattern. Founded by Jim Raptis

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